Last week, after watching daily Mass on EWTN (per Damien's request to watch "Church"), I left the TV on in the background while I played with the boys. A movie came on, which I noticed had subtitles, but I wasn't really interested in it since the boys were keeping me busy. Well, at some point, despite the subtitles, I was drawn in to the movie. I soon found out the movie was about a saint I had never even heard of before--
St. Giuseppe Moscati (also known as St. Joseph Moscati in English). (I am now a little surprised I hadn't heard of him due to the fact that he is relatively "modern-day"--canonized October 25th, 1987 by JPII--and in the medical profession, which brings particular interest to me).
The movie is called
St. Giuseppe Moscati: Doctor to the Poor (link is to the DVD available at The movie does contain some fiction, just so you are aware. However, I was surprisingly inspired and moved by this movie, and I have found a special love for this saint through the little bit of research I have done on him since seeing the movie. So, I hope others will take the time to see the movie and/or read a little about this saint as well. I don't think you'll be disappointed, and you may even find the desire to better yourself due to your knowledge of the life of St. Giuseppe Moscati.